Questions to Ask During your Interview

While you will be the one questioned during your interview, there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking your potential employer questions of your own. These questions can vary from position to position and some questions you may even think of during the interview. Do not be afraid to ask – employers like curious minds and you may even bring up a topic of discussion the interviewer had forgotten to talk about with you.
*Note 1: Try not to start off every question you have about the position with, “If I get this position, …”. You can use this for your first question or even for your last question, but to avoid sounding repetitive, try to keep this phrase to a minimum.
Potential questions to ask DURING the interviewer/ employer
*Note 2: It is good to come in with questions you may have about the role and/or company you are applying for. Write a handful down, any that come to your mind and refer to it periodically throughout the interview. Perhaps even check off questions the interviewer asks you so then you don’t repeat a question you already answered.
- Could you please explain what the company and team culture is like here?
- What does a typical day look like at this company?
- Follow up question to this: What would a typical day look like for someone in this position?
- What are the biggest challenges that someone in this position would face?
- What skills does this position require? What would someone in this position have to do?
- What performance expectations are you/ the company looking for for this position over the first 3 months (probationary period)/ 12 months (first year)?
- What do you (the interviewer) enjoy most about working here?
- Who would I be working closely with/ reporting to?
- What are the goals/ aspirations for this company in the coming years (near and/or far future)?
*Note 3: These are just sample questions that can be used as general questions. Every role/ employer is different and each interview will raise different questions pertaining specifically to that role/ employer. If questions arise during the interview, feel free to ask. If the interviewer is still covering a question or has moved on to something else, either mention you have a question or write down/ remember your question and refer back to it later.
Extra/ particular questions
*Note 4: These questions aren’t entirely related to the position you are applying for, but more about you personally. They are more based on your own personality and what you do to make you/ helps you be most effective at work. Do not be afraid to ask these questions: even the small questions matter to an employer and they appreciate you asking before doing something that may not be allowed. Maybe save these questions for closer to the end of your interview, after you have covered all of the aforementioned questions/ questions from the interviewer.
- Is eating at your desk allowed?
- Do we have a 15 minute break during the day? If yes, when are we allowed to take it?
- Where am I allowed to park?
- This can be an important question to ask due to some business parking that have reserved/ metered/ marked parking.
- Are employees allowed to listen to music while they work? If yes, is it best to keep the volume down or listen with an earbud in one ear?
- Do you prefer for employees to have their cell phones out while they work, if it is for work purposes, or do you prefer for phones to be on silent and put away?
What is the general rule about the length of your responses to the questions?
- Keep your answers brief and to the point
- Do not ramble and tell long drawn out stories
- Do not elaborate unnecessarily
- Remember that everyone’s time is valuable
- Keep your answers brief and to the point