Creating a Memorable First Impression in the In-Person Interview

Before you walk into the building
- Try to refrain from turning it on vibrate – a vibrating phone can be just as loud as a ringtone
- If you must keep your phone on, turn the volume on silent
- Check your clothes for hair, pet hair, or lint
- Try to keep a lint roller with you, just in case
Before you meet the interviewer
- Introduce yourself to the receptionist/ secretary
- Make small talk, if appropriate
- Many times, employer will ask receptionist/ secretary what they thought of you
- Observe the office décor
- Wall paintings, furniture, awards, framed newspaper articles, type of magazines in the lobby will give you a sense about the company culture
First introductions with Interviewer
- Shake hands
- Quick and firm handshake
- Make eye contact
- Smile and present a friendly personality
- Express gratitude to interviewer for meeting with you
- Be aware of your behavior
- If you had a fight with your significant other, had a flat tire, got stuck in traffic… FORGET IT!
- Engage in positive talk
- Show a high level of confidence
- Let them know that you are open and easy to work with
- Be aware of how you speak – Most people will speak differently when they are nervous
- Ensure you have a nice/ light tone to your voice – if you had a bad day, do not let the interview hear your anger/ frustration
- Beware of “interrupters” (i.e. “uh,” “um,” “like,” “you know,” etc.)
- If you need a moment to gather your thoughts, avoid the interrupters, take a breath, then continue on with your answer
- If you do not understand a question, do not be afraid to ask the employer to repeat/ reword it
- Body language is important
- If you speak with your hands, make friendly gestures when responding to questions
- Do not twitch or constantly shift during the interview – You are nervous and your interviewer understands that, but try to not move around too much
- Avoid touching your face (i.e. scratching/ rubbing nose, picking ear, rubbing eyes, etc.) as much as humanly possible
- Make eye contact throughout entirety of interview
- Do not look at the ceiling or away when answering questions
- Be honest and sincere with your answers
- Employers appreciate honesty – Be 100% truthful when asked questions
- Do not discuss anything negative about previous workplaces
- A potential employer does not wish to hear negative things about previous employers, coworkers, or even your personal problems
- Be in the “here and now” of the interview and think ONLY of what you must do while you are interviewing
- Avoiding a negative conversation will help to keep you from an uncomfortable position